City of Ghosts #1: City of Ghosts

The ancient city of Edinburgh has plenty to see – especially ghosts! Let’s get spooky! If you’re normal, Edinburgh is a pretty and picturesque place. But if you can see ghosts, it’s way busy! This historic city is one of the world’s most haunted places. But that’s exactly why Cass’s parents want to move there. They’re hosting a TV show about ghosts. For them, the restless phantoms of Edinburgh’s graveyards, castles and secret passageways are a big draw. But what about Cass? Ever since she almost drowned (ok, since she did drown), she’s been able to see into the world of the dead. Her best friend is a ghost, for a start. But in Edinburgh, not all the ghosts are friendly…

  • A thrillingly spooky and atmospheric read from a major author
  • Hauntings, history, mystery, danger and the bond between friends
  • By the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Shades of Magic
  • Veronica Schwab also writes the Monsters of Verity series

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