All reviews for Captain Underpants #2: Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets

  1. very good

    3 March 2012


    1 March 2012

  3. loved it

    I liked the talking toilets and the toilet turbo 2000

    4 September 2011

  4. loved it

    I have got this book in fact I have got nearly all of the Captain underpants books but this is my favorite book of them all I would give it 10/10

    23 July 2011

  5. loved it

    Oh it was a great book it’s funny too!!!! I’ve read two captain underpants books and this one is the best.

    I’m getting one for my Birthday. You should get this book and read it it’s great!!!

    9 July 2011

  6. loved it

    I think it inspired me to like books like it

    7 March 2011

  7. really funny and it made me laugh!

    5 March 2011

  8. Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets is a fun quick read book about george and harold who make an army of Talking Toilets. If you want a quick read then this is the book for you just don’t expect it to be the next harry potter.

    3 March 2011

  9. One of the best books I have ever read!!!!

    3 March 2011

  10. loved it

    Love it

    15 February 2011