All reviews for Spy Pups: Danger Island
I loooooooove this book!!!!!! I think spy pups and spy dogs are sooooo good!!!! I have actually met Andrew Cope when i was in yr1!!
14 March 2015
very good book
8 March 2013
its a good book
7 March 2013
Brilliant collocations of books.
6 March 2012
Very good and I have read the whole series
26 February 2012
Like I said in another review I love the series and I love this book.
1 September 2011
When I read the book Spy Pups at first I didn’t really understand it. At all. All I knew about was the toxic terror. Then I started to realise the toxic terror was a 32 year old called Jimmy, a person who owned a beach called Blue Bay (Jimmy looks really old cause his skin condition). He wanted his beach to be the best beach in the country so everyone would want to go to his beach, spending their money and making him multi-billionaire.
Jimmy invented the toxic terror so he gets in his submarine fills it with oil with a little bit of help from his friend Mr. Big (Mr. Big fell out of a helicopter and into some poisonous water and loses a eye, and a leg) then Jimmy gets in to his submarine and drives his submarine to a beach and leaks the oil from the Jimmy’s submarine onto the beach. Then beach is filled with oil! A couple of days later a family arrives with the puppies (Spud isn’t a spy pup yet but another puppy, Star is) get the book and you’ll see what will happen next…
I loved the illustration and how it was done in a pencil-like way. I think the book is mainly for girls because of the cuteness but boys would like it because of the action. The age group is 8-12. There are several other books in the series too.
3.5 out of 5 stars
Charlotte, age 8
31 March 2011