All reviews for The Dancing Bear

  1. I read this for reading book last year just to make sure thisyear is 2012.

    7 March 2012

  2. Great book really enjoyed it!

    6 March 2012

  3. I think that this book was ok, but wasn’t great. At some points it was quite moving (Roxanne’s relationship with the bear) but the plot seemed a bit unrealistic and far-fetched. However, I would recommend it to age 11 and below.

    2 March 2012

  4. It is really good but quite sad.

    10 February 2012

  5. okay

    This book is sad!

    29 January 2012

  6. loved it

    i love this book

    30 September 2011

  7. liked it

    this is happy at first but then is very emotional

    17 September 2011

  8. loved it


    3 October 2010

  9. loved it

    Hi This book is very sad but I personally love it. Kim

    28 July 2010

  10. liked it

    That book is pure Brilliance!

    4 March 2010