My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Pony Party
Meet the party pony with one mission: fun. A story, activities and a pony model to play with. If you love a good time like Pinkie Pie, you’ve come to the right place. This book comes with your very own pop-up Pinkie Pie figure. And once you’ve read the story, turn to the back of the book for bonus activity pages full of puzzles and games. In this story, the family farm has run into trouble. So Pinkie Pie tries to help the best way she knows how: by planning a rockin’ party in Ponyville! There’s only one hitch: her family want her to be serious for a change…
Recent reviews
It was a brilliant book perfect for anyone into MLP! Pinkie’s family treat her like dirt but I’m so glad they made up.
17 March 2015
A amazing and fun book showing pinkie pie in her finest. the perfect book for any brony or pegasister alike and i highly suggest reading the other of the main six’s fascinating storys that have been realest and i bet i am only one of very many other people waiting for RainbowDash and the Daring Do Double Dare which will be coming out soon hopefully but for now we have to be satisfied with the two amazing books already out
28 May 2014