
One love story unfolds over many centuries and many lives in this captivating historical romance from Suzanne Weyn. From prehistory to the present, their love refuses to die. It starts with a fight in a cave over an elusive green jewel, and then travels down the ages to include Egyptian slaves, Greek temples, Massachusetts witch trials, Civil War battlefields, Paris on the eve of World War II, America in the 1960s – and, finally, a pair of modern-day teenagers. Some people are just meant for each other, no matter how long it takes… For readers who believe that love is stronger than time or death, this is an unforgettable novel from a major storyteller.

“Imaginative, passionate… a great love story.” Booklist

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  • Photo of Suzanne Weyn

    Suzanne Weyn

    Suzanne Weyn is the author of The Wildwood Stables series, as well as Young Adult books including The Bar Code Tattoo.

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