Books by Clive Goddard
Alexander the Great and his Claim to Fame

Awesome Archaeology

Boudica and her Barmy Army

Charles Dickens and his Pen Pals

Crafty Crime-Busting

Darwin and Other Seriously Super Scientists

Da Vinci and his Super-Brain

Dreadful Drama

Fintan Fedora Explores Again

Fintan Fedora: The World's Worst Explorer

How to Make Stonehenge Out of Biscuits - A Year's Worth of Crazy Ideas!

Incredible Internet

Inventors and their Bright Ideas

Julius Caesar and his Foul Friends

Leonardo da Vinci: A Stroke of Genius

Pirates and their Caribbean Capers

Queen Victoria and her Enormous Empire

Queen Victoria: Her Great Empire

Roald Dahl and his Chocolate Factory

Roald Dahl's Life in Stories

Shakespeare: His Dramatic Acts

Sir Francis Drake and his Daring Deeds

Spartacus and his Glorious Gladiators

Spectacular Special Effects

The Weird World of William Shakespeare

Think of a Link - How to Remember Absolutely Everything

Triffic Chocolate

Wee on a Jellyfish Sting and Other Lies that Grown-Ups Tell You

Why Headless Chickens Run and Other Bonkers Things You Need to Know

William Shakespeare and his Dramatic Acts

Winston Churchill and his Woeful Wars

Writers and their Tall Tales

Winner of the Stockport Schools Book Award for Fintan Fedora.
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