I Was There...: Boudica's Army

Younger historical fiction from the home of the bestselling My Story. Be the kid who can say ‘I was there’! It’s AD60, and Kassy is a young girl in the Icini tribe of British Celts. Now their fearless leader, Queen Boudica, is marching her people to war. They’re going to attack the Roman town of Colchester. Kassy knows they must fight back against the Romans. But what about her beloved pony – forced to go to war?

  • Illustrated historical fiction for young readers
  • Written by Costa Award winner Hilary McKay
  • From the home of the bestselling My Story
  • Just right for newly independent readers
  • Appealing mix of fiction and true facts

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  • Photo of Hilary McKay

    Hilary McKay

    Hilary McKay is the award-winning author of many children’s books including the much loved Casson family series.


    Hilary’s awards include the Guardian prize for The Exiles, the Nestle Smarties prize for The Exiles at Home, and the Costa Award for Saffy’s Angel and The Skylark’s War.

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